Macbeth: Act 4 Scene 1 (Absent)

The three witches spoke to Macbeth, offering him three “apparitions” these apparitions are horrifying, vivid objects that assist with helping Macbeth diminish his fears. The three apparitions consisted of a head that had been cut off, a bloody child and a royal child holding a tree in hand. The first apparition, the severed head, was a way to tell Macbeth to fear Macduff. The cut off head itself speaks, saying “Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! beware Macduff; Beware the thane of Fife. Dismiss me. Enough” The second apparition, the bloody child, told Macbeth to not fear any women. The final apparition, the royal childing holding a tree, sais “Macbeth shall never vanquish’d be until great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill shall come against him” the third apparition told Macbeth to not be fearful unless Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane Hill.

One Reply to “Macbeth: Act 4 Scene 1 (Absent)”

  1. Hi Quinn,

    Sorry we missed you in class today – and thanks for putting together a summary of the scene. This was an important one for our study, and for understanding the play from this point forward, so could I ask you to put some time into noting down the appearance of the three apparitions and also the exact messages each one conveyed?

    Thanks kindly – and see you Monday!


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